Discover the "Early Morning / Late Night Trains" Offers Between Biel, Fribourg, Sion, and Geneva Airport

At Easter and Ascension: early morning trains will depart from Biel, Fribourg, and Sion heading towards Geneva Airport, serving many stations along their respective routes.

Additional early morning trains will follow at the start of the summer and autumn holidays later this year.

SBB and Geneva Airport are jointly committed to supporting public transport as part of leisure mobility. These early morning trains will allow passengers from the served cities to easily reach the first flights (between 6 AM and 8 AM) departing from Geneva Airport without needing to use a car.

Note: It is recommended to allow sufficient time between the train’s arrival and the flight departure (generally about two hours).


Planning a late arrival at Geneva Airport?

Are you arriving late at Geneva Airport on the night of April 18 or 19, or May 29, 2025?
In this case, you can also benefit from additional trains to return home during the night.

Did you know?

No reservation is required. Standard travel passes (GA, Half-Fare Card) are valid on early morning trains. A limited number of discounted tickets will be available for travelers who plan their journey in advance.

For all other stations covered by these trains, please check:


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