Free transport ticket

Travellers staying in a hotel, youth hostel or camp site in Geneva can receive a « Geneva Transport Card » from the establishment. This card allows free use of public transport in Geneva (zone 10) during your stay, including the Genève-Cornavin <> Genève-Aéroport train journey. Find out more information from Genève Tourisme or the establishment concerned.


The airport is located at nearly 4 km from Geneva city centre. It is easily reachable by train or by bus using the united network of public transport unireso. Only one single ticket is required to travel by train, tram, bus or boat in the area France-Vaud-Geneva.

TPG city buses serve the airport (stops at the Check-in, in front of or on the side of the CFF station), at a frequency of:

  • 8-15 minutes during rush hour for urban lines;

  • 20-30 minutes during peak hours for regional lines.

Tpg bus lines
TPG ligne 5 Aéroport – Palexpo – Nations – Vidollet – Gare Cornavin – Bel-Air – Hôpital – Muséum – Malagnou – Thônex-Vallard   TPG ligne 10 Aéroport – Bouchet – Charmilles – Gare Cornavin – Bel-Air – Rive
TPG ligne 23 Aéroport-P47 – Aéroport – Blandonnet – Les Esserts – Grand-Lancy-Place – Palettes – LANCY-BACHET-GARE  – Carouge-Tours   TPG ligne 28 Aéroport – Blandonnet – Lignon-Tours – Pont-Butin – Les Esserts
TPG ligne 50 Aéroport – GRAND-SACONNEX-PLACE – Colovrex – Genthod-village – Versoix GARE – Pont-Céard – Versoix-Centre sportif   AÉROPORT – FRET – CREST-D’EL – COLLEX-ECOLE – VERSOIX-GARE – PONT-CÉARD – VERSOIX-CENTRE SPORTIF
TPG ligne 56 Aéroport – Blandonnet – Meyrin-Gare – Zimeysa-Gare – Hôpital de la Tour   TPG ligne 57 Aéroport – Blandonnet – VERNIER-GARE-CROISETTE – Vernier-École – Meyrin – Hôpital de la Tour – ZIMEYSA-Gare
TPG ligne 59 Aéroport – Arena-Halle 7 – Palexpo – Grand-Saconnex – Chambésy – Plage du Vengeron   TPG ligne 66 Aéroport – Ferney – Prévessin-Moëns-Mairie – Saint-Genis-Lion – Thoiry-Centre Commercial
TPG ligne 272 Aéroport – Lancy – Saint-Julien-en-Genevois – Neydens – Beaumont – Copponex – Cruseilles – Allonzier – Filière – Annecy   TPG ligne 274 Aéroport – Genève – Nangy – Bonneville – Sallanches

Information on timetables and fares can be obtained at the information desk in the Arrivals hall of the airport, opposite the customs control exit. Tickets can be purchased from the machines located at bus stops (CHF or Euro change required) and at the Swiss railway station.

Map of bus stops at the airport:

Plan des arrêts de bus à l'aéroport - Site des tpg

TPG Aérobus morning service

Need to get to the airport early in the morning?
Check out our free morning shuttle service!

Please note:

  • From December 10, 2023, to August 26, 2024: Stop Miremont (line A6) not served
  • At Crêts-de-Champel, boarding at the stop for bus 11, direction Botanical Garden

For stops that have multiple sites, here are the waiting points for the Aerobus. Stops are identified by the tpg aérobus logo:

  • Acacias, ligne 15 direction Nations
  • Blandonnet, ligne 23 direction Aéroport
  • Bois‐des‐Frères: aérobus A1 et A6, ligne 6 direction Vernier
  • Bois-des-Frères: aérobus A4, ligne 28 direction Aéroport
  • Bouchet, ligne 10 direction Aéroport
  • Charmilles, ligne 6 direction Vernier
  • Carouge-Rondeau, ligne 42 direction P+R Bernex
  • Carouge-Tours, ligne 42 direction P+R Bernex
  • Chemin du Bac, ligne 2 direction Genève‐Plage
  • Crêts-de-Champel, ligne 21 direction Gare des Eaux‐Vives
  • Epinettes, ligne 11 direction Jardin Botanique
  • Ferney‐Mairie, ligne 66 direction Aéroport
  • Gare Cornavin, ligne 15 direction Palettes
  • Hôpital, ligne 7 direction Lignon
  • Hôpital de la Tour, ligne 18 direction Bachet‐de‐Pesay
  • Jardin-Alpin-Vivarium, ligne 57 direction Aéroport
  • Jonction, ligne 2 direction Onex
  • Les Esserts, Ligne 21 direction Genève-Eaux-Vives-Gare
  • Meyrin‐Gravière, ligne 57 direction Aéroport
  • Meyrin‐Village, ligne 57 direction Aéroport
  • Plainpalais, ligne 1 direction Jardin Botanique
  • Vernier-Gare/Renfile, ligne 23 direction Aéroport
  • Uni‐Mail, ligne 35 direction Sainte Clotilde

The tpg Aerobus service is provided free of charge to:
  • Passengers and clients of Geneva Airport
  • Employees of Geneva Airport or companies operating on the airport platform
Both the free nature of the service and the exclusive user group can be changed at any time, without notice and without prejudice.

Users of the tpg Aerobus service agree to abide by the general terms of use.

Information and contact: Genève Aéroport, Environment Service, PO box 100, CH-1215 Geneva 15.