Genève Aéroport

  • Annual Report

    Find all annual reports of Genève Aéroport since 2003 in PDF, downloadable on our website:

  • Receive the Latest New

    If you wish to be kept informed of the latest news, you can subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter. The registration can be found at the bottom of the page or directly on the e-newsletter registration.

    You will also find all the latest news and archives in the following three sections: 

  • Traffic statistics

    Read the latest air traffic statistics at Genève Aéroport.

  • Extranet site of the airport

    Genève Aéroport provides active partners on the airport site with an extranet site that allows them to access various information related to the following topics:

    • Communication and information: press releases, institutional information, platform news, seasonal information for Genève Aéroport users and partners, etc.

    • Infrastructure: future projects, current achievements, requests for works, urgent intervention or troubleshooting requests, IT services, technical guidelines, specifications, energy, etc.

    • Safety Health Environnement: safety information and reminders on the platform, “Jet et Fodie”, current standards, Safety reports, environment, etc.

    • Operations: airport operations, operating procedures, important operational contacts, documentation of the Genève Aéroport Emergency Plan (PUR-GA).

    • Security: security awareness, incident reports, support requests, projects, standards, contact, etc.

    • Training: Apron permit, Runway Permit, RT Mechanics Certification, Fire Course, etc.

    • Airport life: airport events, staff mobility, promotional offers and discounts for employees, restaurant menus, sponsorship, etc.

     Access myGVAextranet (login required, site only in French)